About: Quinn McGowan

Quinn McGowan (known to friends as "The Mighty Quinn," "TattQ" or "Quotable Quinn McGowan") is a comic book creator, veteran of the United States Marine Corps, licensed tattoo artist, visual artist and performer with the Memphis-based hip hop group the Iron Mic Coalition (IMC). His visual mediums include body art, digital art, paint and his first love, comic art.

He is the creator of Project: Wildfire, was the artist responsible for Heroes International, and is hard at work on the upcoming science fiction fantasy epic Son of the Iron Mic, while also providing the cover for Menthu: The Anger of Angels

Quinn illustrated a story in the Ringo Award-winning Planned Parenthood anthology Mine! A Celebration of Freedom and Liberty For All.

His artwork can be seen in the Disney+ series Flora & Ulysses.

Quinn lives in Memphis, TN with his wife and three children.

Who We Are

Where To Find Us

Wherever you wanna be, we're trying to be there!

Media About Quinn McGowan


Don't take our word for it on how awesome we are. Here are some other people who agree.

Freelance Work

Sometimes, the Operatives have to work with people outside of our studios. From the X-Men to Aspen Comics, here are some examples of what we've done with other collaborators.

Works Drawn By Quinn McGowan


A concise listing of where we'll be and what we're doing