Characters: Sandy Rodney

Occupation: Nurse
Identity: Not known to the general public
Legal Status: Dual citizen of Trinidad & Tobago and the U.S. with no criminal record
Place of Birth: San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago
Known relatives: Anne Marie Guichard (mother, deceased), Anton Guichard (father), Andromeda Guichard (sister), Eric Guichard (brother); Randy Rodney (husband), Lucas Rodney (son), Leon Rodney (son)
Group Affiliation: None
Brief family history: Alisandre Guichard is the youngest child born to Anton and Anne Marie Guichard. At the age of 14, Alisandre and her family immigrated to New York after Anton's brothers pushed him out of the family's industrial supply business. Anton became a teacher in the New York City public school system while Anne Marie was finally able to pursue her longtime dream of becoming a nurse. They were able to send their three children to college with Alisandre following her mother's footsteps, earning her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and becoming an RN.
On her first week on duty at the emergency room at Brooklyn's Brookdale Hospital, Alisandre was slashed by a knife wielding drug addict. The wound was minor and one of the police officers who arrested her attacker suggested she enroll in a self defense class that he was teaching. The officer's name was Randy Rodney. They fell in love, married two years later and had two sons; Lucas and Leon.
After the terror attacks in New York City; Randy, who lost his partner on that day and barely escaped with his life, re-enlisted in the Marines and was deployed to Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom and to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Meanwhile at the hospital Alisandre was promoted to Charge Nurse and struggled with the demands of her added work responsibilities and those of a military mother of two sons. She realized that the older Lucas took his father's military sacrifice in stride while younger Leon struggled. She noted how much Leon idolized his older brother.
Randy eventually finished his final tour of duty and reunited with his family. Alisandre was ecstatic that her family was once again safe, whole and her sons had their hero father back. Randy returned to the NYPD and was promoted to Detective. Within two years he was assigned to a special advisory unit tasked with assisting the U.S. military with the training of the Afghan police force. Alisandre bristled at the thought of Randy once again off in a war zone for weeks at a time and his decision to accept the post put a great strain on their relationship.
While Randy was in Afghanistan their older son Lucas was [REDACTED UNTIL TASK EPISODE 1]. The [REDACTED] left Alisandre shattered. When Randy returned to the U.S. to [REDACTED], a distraught Alinsandre, blamed him for [REDACTED]. The collective [REDACTED] was more than their already burdened relationship could withstand and they agreed it would be best if Randy moved out and eventually they separated (although neither party has filed for divorce).
When her younger son Leon ended up in possession of [REDACTED] and was being pursued by [REDACTED] Alisandre bravely attempted to fight off [REDACTED] and was able to escape with the aid of Meridian. Her quick thinking and trauma center experience saved [REDACTED] after he was struck by a [REDACTED] and Meridian remarked that not all heroes have amazing powers and colorful costumes.
How will her world change now that her son has become [REDACTED] and T.A.S.K. is a permanent part of her world? Only time will tell.
Written by Damion Gonzales
Character design by Sean Izaakse