microblogging, photoblogging and of course, plain ol' ranting like a crazy mofo
Hannibal Tabu spends a lot of time on the web. That experience can be boiled down in a simpler, mobile-ready conception ...
- The Greatest Hits (Mobile Exclusive)
The best of the blog, linkroll and Twitter, exclusively for mobile consumption
If you'd like to delve into the details, there's always ...
- Soapbox (Mobile Edition)
2,000 characters worth of futurism, culture, entertainment, ranting, family and more
- Hannibal Tabu's Twitter (Mobile Edition)
The Hannibal Tabu experience, 140 characters at a time
- Hannibal Tabu's Linkroll (Mobile Edition)
What Hannibal finds interesting on the world wide web
Each sub link directs you to the web-enabled version, should you be so inclined.